Health update

Jesus said in Mark 10:27 “With men it is impossible, but not with God: for with God all things are possible.”

I’ve neglected you for far too long. Shame on me. Forgive me. I promise I’ll make it up to you…

Now that I’m done graveling, I can tell you wonderful news! My last doctor visit was Nov 9th for my 3 month lab results. My A1c dropped to 6.1. Boy, was my doctor shocked. I’ve only been staying as his patient to give him a last *raspberry* about not believing in the changes I’ve chosen to make and not believing a whole food plant based diet could heal and restore. He really didn’t offer me any advice but took me off more medicine and asked that I come back in 3 months… Yeah right… PEACE! Since then, I’ve shared my testimony with everyone I meet including the young adult bible study group at my church called the Chosen Generation for Thanksgiving.

I’m thanking God that He showed me the vision and is continuing to heal my body.



Just a recap, my A1c was 12.6 in 2008 when I was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes,
9.9 in February,
9.8 in May,
8.1 in August, and
6.1 in November.

I started eating plant based in July 2015 (and gave up drinking alcohol). Now THAT’S how God shows up and shows out!

Although I’m in the prediabetic range now, I’m believing God for my next results to be normal. My message to anyone who had any infirmity in their body… Trust in God, not man.

O Lord my God, I cried unto thee, and thou hast healed me.
~Psalms 30:2 KJV

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