Small victory…and it’s only the beginning

I’ve completed 1 week of WFPB diet and I’ve lost 2% body fat. I’m proud of myself because it’s been a difficult first week but I’m pulled through. I’m learning that #1 sugar and corn syrups are in everything and so unnecessarily so, #2 I was really sad I couldn’t buy anything in the cheese section of Whole Foods, #3 Baton Rouge need more restaurants that are vegan friendly with more sugar free (no sugar substitute either) options, #4 I need a new doctor who’s going to be more supportive not push pills and paid apps and programs every month. #5 I can function without a nap now! (I still like naps tho)

I’m extremely blessed to have family and friends who are so supportive of my transition too. Y’all keep me motivated, especially my husband. He’s all in. If only I can get him to stop sending me recipes on Pinterest in the middle of the night.

This small victory toward my ultimate goal (curing my illnesses and have a baby some day) was worth it. But with everything, there’s good, bad, and ugly. I’ve seen a bit of it all. The bad is obvious–i can’t eat whatever I want. The ugly is that I have to monitor my blood sugar even closer. Carbs are essential to staying in my meals. So even though I’d love to eat green leafy things all day, my body is not having that. I had hypoglycemic 2 incidents in one day, before lunch and before dinner. So I’m learning to balance my meals better and the timing of meals.

Continue to pray for me! I have a long way to go!

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